Saturday, October 2, 2010

From Mexico came lots of peppers

From the Americas came the chili pepper. Hey don't beat me up if you are oriental. Actually chili pepper is now used in Eastern cuisine as much as it is in South American cuisine, it is often thought to have originated in the East. Spaniards discovered them in South Americas and started shipping them back to Spain. And Portuguese people thought of sending them to their colonies in Asia. Hmm.. interesting route of trade.

The active ingredient of chili pepper is "capsaicinoids". Beware of the Pepper spray !!!!

Have you ever had jalapeno margarita ? sounds nice !!!! It is actually quite famous here in Portland. I read this somewhere drinking water to reduce the burn is ineffective as the nonpolar capsaicin is unable to dissolve in polar water molecules. Next time drink milk with bread and butter to alleviate the burn. Also alcohol dissolves capsaicin. Hmmm..... jalapeno margarita LOL

Capsaicin selectively binds to a protein that resides on the membranes of pain and heat sensing neurons. The protein TRPV1 resides on the membranes of pain and heat sensing neurons and opens up between 37 and 45 degree Celsius. But this binding sends a false alarm of heating sensation. Hello !! If you are from Central, South America, India and North Africa then may be you have inherited high tolerance to spicy food. Hmmm.... May be your body knows that it is getting a false alarm.

Finally you can use the pepper in your daily life either as a topical cream, as a mood booster or to increase your metabolism.

What is Tabasco ?................................... State in Mexico
The hottest pepper....................................Bhut Jolokia [>1,000,000 SHU ]