Friday, May 11, 2012

Qualities of a F1 race driver

Is driving tough ? May be not. Nor its taxing. Actually the road cars are supposed to make the driving experience much easier. Nowadays the road cars come with so many detectors like rear park camera, auto parallel park, blind zone detector. The cars are driven more by the computer than human beings.

Have you seen the movie avatar ? You remember how Jake learns to fly?. He struggles with the bird and when the bird finally gives up, he connects his nerve endings with that of the bird's. And that's how driving should be. Every little sensation the bird feels danger, draft of air, the thrill, the G-force should also be felt by the driver. The Driver should be so well connected to his ride that he and his vehicle should finally become a SINGLE ENTITY.

Removing the control computers from the cars is the way to go. But consider a F1 car where all the feedback from the car is analyzed not only by the driver but by the whole team. And it's still one of the most difficult and dangerous sports event . The reason is the speed involved. A F1 race driver needs to have some basic skills but the most important is the quick judgement. The level of concentration required for this job is huge. The drivers have to look out for changing track conditions, they have to feel the changing characteristics of their cars and they have to look out for warning flags, pit signals and their rivals. And if the driver is smart, over the time he will also learn behaviors and characteristics of other competing drivers on the tracks. Every car and every driver has their own driving personalities and all these small inputs could help.

F1 race driver have to use their brakes heavily and frequently. The reason being they have to drive right behind their rivals' cars at huge speed and sometimes with next to no visibility. If a problem occurs ahead of them like a spinning car or a piece of debris on the track they have to rely on their instincts to get them out of trouble. Not only that while the driver keeps tracks of the statistics, he also has to cope with the pressure of racing, avoid accidents, keep up to date with team strategy, and be able to endure the bumps, bangs, and the heat over this entire distance.

F1 also tests the drivers endurance. Drivers experience massive G-forces experienced during cornering and under braking, as well as the incredible heat inside the cockpits, meaning that drivers have to be very strong, especially their neck muscles have to really strong.

Overall besides the thrill the F1 can also be very dangerous but still it is one of the most coveted jobs next to fighter jet pilots.