Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Dyslexia

I have been having this dyslexia attack for a while. Well there was a time when the journalism and movies surfaced the true known facts about dyslexia and then there was a sudden rise in small clinics and agencies trying to diagnose if you were dyslexic. Well known is the fact that some of the revered scientists and musicians were dyslexic. And everybody thinks what if I were that hidden gem ? Will my genes turn the page of history someday ? Am I dyslexic ?

With my room-mates I experienced the most funny things with my language. May be this is because we as Indians have a to learn various languages and keep using them. Hey buddy can I borrow your heads-phone..blah  ....head-phones. Woah that dude got a Darley Havidson.  Oh no I woke up to nipples on my face.