Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lunch Time Explorers !

We have this huge forest behind our work place. And we always wonder what could be out there. Honestly I am not big on exploring. But it was Nagarjun's idea to go and explore. We selected a spot to enter the forest. It had rained recently and the soil was soft. But luckily there were enough stones on that downhill path we chose. So we had enough traction to go down and climb up again.

Our first discovery was this stone cave, a very small one. We went past it and cut through some bushes and made our way into a clear area. There we saw decaying cacti and other plants which had almost decayed. We had to return to work but we still pushed ourselves a little ahead. We thought we might just discover something new. A few feet ahead we were at a dead end. There was this Big Steep Valley and we had to stop there. There was no going ahead.

Few days later we brought Bharat with us and showed him the route we had found. We came to the same spot and stopped. But this time Nagarjun had spotted a passage to go down the valley which was not steep but gradual. We decided to try it out next time. As of now we had a team of three explorers. And just a few days back we convinced Kunal to join us. So now with a bunch of 4, we tried out the gradual passage downwards. We started going down and on the left hand side there was this Huge Stone Cave that we could not miss. We decided to go explore it. We cut through the bushes and reached the cave. It was beautiful, on one side was this cave and on the other side was this another deep valley.

Sometimes I feel like would I able to go on such lunch time adventures if I were in California or North Virginia ?