Monday, May 7, 2012

Which would you give up: TV, Cell or Internet ?

Before you answer that, lets see the poll results:     source: Reader's Digest article
( This is for Indian Population )

38% would give up TV.
35% would give up Internet.
27% would give up mobiles.

Now lets just consider turning off the TV and lets compare the results from other countries.
China:           69% of the population would give up TV.
Singapore:    59%
Italy:             57%
Netherlands: 57%
Russia:          55%
Spain:           54%
US:               49%
Philippines:    46%
Australia:       44%
France:          40%
India:            38%

Considering the TV programming that we get in India, seems like people are less likely to turn off their TV. This behavior is actually dependent on lot of things like the content or entertainment that we get, prices of services, availability of services and other aspects too.

India right now seems to have a very reasonable price for cable television. Here in US, I have to think twice about getting a cable connection, The bare minimum cost per month is $30 for basic 70 channels. Whereas you might get more than 100 channels in India for a price of around $10-$15 per month. Plus there are enough cable TV providers.

Consider the cell phone. Below is the list of penetration of cell phones in different countries.
Almost 75% of the population in China, India, US have cell phones. This is still less as compared to other nations like Germany or UK where the percentage is more than 100%. But lets consider 74% and more as widely available service and amongst them only 27% of the people would give up mobiles ? May be the content delivery and the services available on the phones are quite entertaining for the people. May be they are happy with their cell phones being able to tell them a SMS joke or a SMS shayari. Whereas in Canada the situation is different. Many of them might have a cell phone but 55% of the population are ready to give up on cell phones. May be they don't get SMS jokes. Well, actually the reason is that they pay some of the highest rates for cell phone services.

Lastly Internet, cost of Internet in India and US is quite low. But in Brazil its quite high. 68% of the population are ready to give up Internet.