Wednesday, May 2, 2012

750 @ GMU

750 was a one of the core courses in the MS TCOM study plan. Well the good part about this course was that it was quite simple but the feedback about the course was that it was just a waste of time. I had only a few days left to decide the courses,  had to hurry up. I got an appointment with my advisor and he insisted that I take the course.

Finally I just went ahead and registered for the class. In the first few days of the class, there were some presentations about management, law, communications. Each of these topics were designed from the engineering perspective. But in my words "It was All Crap". Honestly I don't remember a thing taught in that class. Nor a principle neither an example, nothing. 

As the days passed we learned about project management and not only that we had to submit a project in group. We were asked to split up and start working on a technology called the "Smart Grid". The goal was to create and design a smart grid company which would sell devices to the home users to save their electricity. And the main criteria was to use a OPEN SOURCE technology.

I worked on the design part and we strictly  decided to use a OPEN SOURCE solution as per the requirement. For me this part was real fun. I learned a lot about this cool new technology and designed a really good solution. I was really proud of my work. But we had a few hiccups. Our marketing strategist was not up to the mark and we had imagined that we could be weak in that section.

On the Final day of our presentation, two of the judges questioned us and gave us some feedback. The first one said our marketing strategy sucked ! we expected that. And he told me that solution is too technical and an average American might not like my solution. The second judge told us that our project reminded him about his Undergrad years and also that he liked the technical part of the presentation. This was a tough one. I had mixed feelings when I left the room that day. 

Few days later I checked my score for the course and I saw a   B Minus.

Well imagine B Minus with all the A+ and As. And I asked myself what did I learn from this class ?