Saturday, May 5, 2012

Biochemistry of the most common foods

Soft Drink (Fructose)
100% of the substrate gets stored in liver. So that means nothing is burned up rather the calories are just stored. Ghrelin is a hunger suppressing hormone. And the weird thing is that softdrink does not help in release of Ghrelin. Hence Hunger is not suppressed. This means you are still hungry. Additionally Fructose does not stimulate insulin or leptin leading to more sugar in your body.
Chronic fructose exposure leads to Metabolic Syndrome. [Heart Disease+obesity and other problems conglomerated]

20% of the substrate goes to the liver. Other gets burned up.
24cal energy that goes in Liver makes 1cal VLDL (Bad Fat)
But this is still good, not as bad as Softdrink.

Ethanol (carbohydrate)
80% of the substrate goes to the liver. Thats Bad cause a lot of it is converted to fat. Other get burned up.
It can do all bad things in Liver like release lot of fatty acids for storage, cross linking of proteins, inflammation etc.

Orange Juice(Sucrose)
Sucrose = Half Glucose and Half Fructose.
20% of the Glucose substrate goes to the liver.
But 100% of the Fructose substrate goes to the liver.
Fructose has following byproducts in the Liver.
  1. Uric Acid (disease Gout )
  2. Blocks production of Nitrous Oxide (A Hypertension Blocker)...... that mean your BP goes up.
  3. Junk1 a byproduct causes insulin resistance. Pancreas have to work hard enough now to produce insulin.