Wednesday, April 25, 2012

5 things I did like to have on my Yahoo Mail !

I had opened up my yahoo mail after a long time. And I see this email from a friend which had the subject line

So this friend of mine still uses his yahoo account more actively than others and that's why I opened the email and observed that the email had been forwarded at-least 10 times. It was just painful to scroll down through all the unknown email addresses and finally reach the content. And the content was about some hacker sending an email and if you opened it up, your life would no longer be beautiful.

Well this is what I did after reading the email. Hit the Reply button and wrote " TIME TO START USING GMAIL- NOT A JOKE". Well I really like the yahoo mail but every-time I open up my yahoo mail, I just get new surprises like this one below.

Oh yes! Spam emails. Sometimes I feel Facebook and Yahoo mail are both great places to meet totally unknown people. And now after looking at all this, I just log-out of my email and the fun does not stop here. Next I land on this yahoo home page with articles about 10 greatest, fastest, slowest, tiniest, things of the world.

Well here's my 5-thingy-Yahoo-style advice on how to improve the Yahoo mails.

  1. When I click the back button in the browser sometimes I get onto the login page of Yahoo Mail.  Gmail does not do that. May be this is where Yahoo Mail can start improvising.
  2. Spam Filter: Here is where Yahoo needs major improvement.
  3. Calendar: I remember I had set a reminder for myself to file my taxes 3 months before due date. And I never got a reminder email.
  4. Stationery: I think this is a useless application.
  5. When I sign out, its ok to land on a Yahoo home page but may be the News Content could be a little  better.