Sunday, May 20, 2012

Personalities of Facebook Users.

If you have a profile on facebook, how do you use it ? Over a period of time I have observed various personalities and I have classified them as below. Which one are you ?

1)  Audience Users:: 
They do not like to post any personal pictures or write about anything on facebook. There would be minimum number of posts on their page and rarely somebody would write on their page. But this shy user does really like to login into the profile and check the activities while they prefer to have a minimum friend list.

2)  Spammers ::
They tend to re-post anything on internet that they find amusing.There is not much of their personal that is hidden. Their latest games, cars or vacations are all public.The sole reason Facebook makes apps on all mobile phones/ tablets is because of them. They have the capability to make a video viral.

3) Sophisticated Users::
These guys are content creators. They like to try new stuff and post their experiences/ reviews on them. Their posts will get comments particularly from some of the other sophisticated users. Sometimes you might not understand their post at all cause it was not meant for the general public but only for this group of sophisticated users.

4) Pics Savy Users::
They hate words and language. For them, pics are proof of happiness. They might have more than 100 pics uploaded. When people comment on their pics, it motivates them to upload more. And it is quite obvious that they look pretty or handsome and uploading more pics is a sign of their confidence.

5) Anonymous Pics Uploader::
I don't know how to explain these guys. But they like to upload pics on a particular topic that they are passionate about like cats, cars and technology. But the interesting thing is none of the pics will contain their own snap. They want to be unknown from the world but still wanna show what are they upto.