Monday, May 21, 2012

Engineering telepathy

Many Bollywood movies have shown us the typical telepathic emotion transfer between two twins. The last time you got hiccups, I am pretty sure your friend or relative must have made a joke that  somebody was remembering you?  But is there any logical or scientific explanation for telepathy ? Michio Kaku, a physicist says that it cannot be even related to quantum entanglement so he claims even the most complicated rules of quantum mechanics do not support telepathy.

But many years from now if they ever find some explanation for this mystery how would it be engineered in everyday life. The crazy scientists and engineers would gather and create a device called the Telepathic Unit (TU) which could be worn over your head to enhance your feelings and to transport them. And just like internet addresses, each one of us would get a unique telepathic address (TA).

Now with the this basic setup of TU and TA, you can call anybody in this world, across oceans. With such a contraption, we could not only pass simple messages but feelings like passion, pain and happiness. I guess the best usage of these devices would be at a call center or a customer care agency . Consider calling a 1-800 number and not just explaining the problem but sharing the pain literally with the representative...that would make life easier, I guess.

But what would happen if you end up in a fight with your girlfriend. Moments later you would end up telepathizing with her point of view. A war no man has ever won.