Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Try something new for 30 Days

What do I do when go home ? well I don't feel like doing much, I always end up watching some TV show. In the back of my mind I am thinking, I want to run a marathon or write blogs or follow a new sport. But I never reach the point to push myself out of my comfort zone. But nonetheless it did happen finally when I watched the video by Matt Cutts on TED.com 

Nagarjun had seen this video first and he showed it to us. After watching it carefully we decided amongst ourselves to give it a try. The rules were simple.

Select a new task and do it every day continuously for 30 days.
Do something that you have never done but always wanted to do.
And Don't go to sleep until you have completed the assigned stuff.

We followed the instructions and we did it in a group to track our progress and get a feedback from each other. As Matt says 30 days is enough to test yourself and to habituate yourself to do something new or get rid of some unwanted habit. Nagarjun, Bharat and me followed this exact principle and today we completed our respective tasks after 30 days.

We had decided to do these tasks:
A blog a day for 30 days
Green tea everyday for 30 days
No non-veg food for 30 days

Each one of us did achieve something new in this process. We got to learn a little more about ourselves.And it felt really good.

We had also thought about:
A pic a day for 30 days
Reading/ Research a finance article everyday for 30 days
Low salt meals for 30 days
Cycle to work for 30 days

Lastly I would like to say that let this be an inspiration for you to try something new for 30 days ! Nobody is judging you and ultimately it's your own prerogative. But the only thing I can say is TRY IT and you will feel the difference.